Monday, September 1, 2008

Second Chance Act of 2007

On April 9, 2008, President Bush signed the “Second Chance Act of 2007.” A summary of the Act is found at:
In short, “the legislation formally authorizes key elements of the successful Prisoner Reentry Initiative (PRI), announced by the President in 2004, to help prisoners effectively reintegrate into the community. Additionally, the Second Chance Act enhances drug treatment, mentoring, and transitional services for ex-offenders through partnerships with local corrections agencies and faith-based and community organizations.” The Act allocates $360 million towards a variety of reentry programs. One of the main components of the bill is the funding of demonstration projects that would provide ex-offenders with a coordinated continuum of housing, education, health, employment, and mentoring services.

However, it will be up to Congress to appropriate the funds for this program. The success of this program, even with lofty hopes and goals, will depend on whether the Government will follow through with the necessary funding.

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